10 Day Samatha Vipassana Retreat learning Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation and Sukhita Yoga, led by Bhikkhu Dhammagavesi Thero & Hugh Poulton
This 10-day Samatha Vipassana retreat with guides Bhante Dhammagevesi and Hugh Poulton will help you come into balance through a unique combination of meditation and movement.
Whether you are seeking new perspectives; wishing to digitally detox and look after your well-being; looking to understand more clearly the nature of mind and body and explore the path to awakening; or feel your current practice has plateaued, this retreat gives a way forward that develops calm and insight as a unified experience.
You will be learning Tranquil Wisdom (Samatha) Insight (Vipassana) Meditation and Sukhita Yoga; practices that bring awareness to states of mind and the tension we habitually carry that creates resistance in our life. Morning practices of Sukhita Yoga will set your body up for a day of sitting and walking meditation and renew your connection with your vitality, give you an insight into the impact of mind states in the body and support the flow of your meditation through the retreat.
This 10-day Samatta Vipassana retreat is in silence with opportunities for discussion in the morning Sukhita Yoga practices and evening Dhamma talks. Whilst this may seem daunting to those for whom it is the first time, we encourage you to give peace a chance and stay curious about what unfolds.
About the guides:
Bhikkhu Dhammagavesi Thero
Bhikkhu Dhammagevesi Thero is an Indian citizen who started his spiritual journey in 2013 at Wat Pah Nana Chat in Thailand where he stayed for 1 and a half years. In 2016 he discovered Bhante Vimalaramsi’s Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation, an approach to the Buddha Dhamma and meditation which is easy to understand and immediately effective. He took higher ordination with Bhante Vimalaramsi in 2017. He is the spiritual guide for the Samatha Vipassana Trust in India and guides regular retreats and supports and trains future monastics, students, and teachers in the TWIM practice. Students find his approach encouraging and relatable and with his natural generosity towards all aspects of their learning, are able to discover a kind and loving acceptance of themselves.
Hugh Poulton
Hugh first met Buddhism in the 1980s when working in Asia and for more than 20 years practiced Burmese Mahasi meditation, progressively experiencing the stages of insight of that tradition. Mountaineering and yoga were also important in his life at this time; mountaineering creating demanding physical conditions to observe the impact of the mind and yoga revealing a more subtle relationship to internal movement and intention. Meeting Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation (TWIM) in 2008 gave new vigour to a deep process of healing that had begun with earlier practices and brought change to all aspects of his life. He learned how to embody loving kindness and compassion when meeting tension and this encouraged balance that becoming a healthy model for daily life and one of the bases for Sukhita Yoga. Since 2008 TWIM retreats have been an integral part of his life both as a student and from 2022 as a guide with Samatha Vipassana Trust. Students are finding great benefit from his sensitivity to tension, insight and compassion which allows him to intuitively support them to re-find balance within themselves.
Retreat Schedule
5: 30 AM Wake-up
6:00 AM Sukhita Yoga
6:45 AM Morning Services & Group Sitting
8:00 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM Sitting and Walking Meditation
9:00 AM Interviews as per timetable
11:45 AM Lunch & Rest period
01:00 PM Sitting and Walking Meditation
02:00 PM Interviews as per timetable
5:00 PM Tea Time
5:30 PM Dhamma Talk
7:00 PM Sitting and Walking Meditation
10:00 PM Sleep Time
Please note- “attendance in all sessions is mandatory.”
For queries, registration & accommodation, please email: info@deerpark.in
Please follow this link for registration https://bit.ly/deerparkapril