Creating “Fun” & arousing “Wonder” _revisiting childhood_ Experience by Neha & Rohit & Aditi Nandan
1) Workshop – For School n Village Children. Provided as service to the community. (Register with Deer Park)
Wonder Astronomy Workshop for children
*What’s unique about our workshops:*
Special focus on learning by Observations, Explorations, Questioning, and Wondering about what WE see around us!
Learning through a scientific approach and not just accepting what’s being told.
Very meaningful and essential to child’s wholistic development.
*Detail of workshops:*
Workshop – Understanding Our Solar System, How Big? How Far?
Making Pocket and Bigger Models of Solar System,
Understanding and Exploring the design of our bodies with the Universe!
Added Fun, storytelling, and curiosity questions to make the learning experience rich. Learning with heart, mind, and body together.
Max capacity 30 participants
Age 10+
2) Access Bar Runs Sessions – For anyone who wish to explore the world of infinite choices and create a life full of ease, joy & glory! These are paid sessions with appointment/ booking (Book with us direct)
Access Consciousness ~
Access Bar Runs Session
*What Is Access Consciousness?*
*Access is about empowering you to know that you know.
Access Consciousness empowers people to help themselves. It is available to everyone, can be included in your everyday life, and can be applied without outside help.
The tools and techniques of Access Consciousness focus on your knowledge about yourself and the world around you. It is essential in Access that nobody except you personally can know what truly works for you.
*Access Bars Session:*
*Access Bars® are 32 points on your head that, when gently touched, effortlessly, and easily release anything that stops you from feeling joy and ease in your life.
These points contain all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations you have stored. This is an opportunity for you to let go of everything!
The one-on-one individual session,
40 mins to 1-hour session,
Paid session by appointment/booking
3) Evening Engagement & Experience – For anyone who wishes to revisit their childhood. Evening full of Fun & Wonder. Participation by donation / gift culture (Register with Deer Park)
Also, brief intro n write up::
10-14th April 2022
Creating “Fun” & arousing “Wonder”_revisiting childhood_
Experience by Neha & Rohit & Aditi Nandan
Here is what all we bring along with us:
A) Fun Games for everyone
Why Fun Games:
When we were in our childhood we played a lot of games and we have very good memories of the same. Present lifestyle and busy schedule takes all the fun away from us and as we loose this fun, we feel stressed out early from our childhood stage itself!
Are we growing into adults too early? We need to introspect and contemplate with love! We help create the fun again in life, and with deeper connections, with others and ourselves!
Brief details:
We invite everyone, kids and adults, to “create a fun” in simplest yet very enjoyable way to celebrate Life with friends, extended family, society members, community inmates by engaging all in Non-competitive Games and circle dances
- B) Wonder Astronomy –
Journey to the Moon
NightSky Safari for Child in all of us
(Observational Exploration of Night Sky)
Brief details of Sky SAFARI:
As a part of NightSky Safari, a Telescopic detailed observation, and close fly-by experience orbiting around the Moon is a special attraction of the experience for all!
We use array of professional equipment, such as high precision
astronomical telescope, equatorial mount, high-performance optics,
filters, and ultra-wide super view series eyepieces, all together
provide true spacewalk experience.
WE look up and take a Journey into timeless Space full of Wonder & Mystery with aid of our powerful scopes 250mm 1250mm f/5 500x Truss Tube Dobsonian and WE call him Aditi Nandan (अदिती नंदन), son of divine Mother Aditi (अदिती)
About us:
WE the Wonder Explorers, led by Neha & Rohit. They both are passionate about exploring how our body, mind, and heart works together in harmony. They both are engaged in practicing inner work – The Fourth Way, by G.I. Gurdjieff. Through their workshops and activities, they create ‘Fun’ and arouse ‘Wonder’ in everyone.
Neha is Access Consciousness and listening, circle facilitator. She also creates ‘Fun’ for Child in everyone, and helps everyone revisit their childhood, by engaging them all in amazing, fun-loving, non -competitive, non-judgemental games and circle dances, full of celebration, freedom, and connection with oneself as well as others. Her passion includes exploring herself through different fields, like cooking, crafts, poetry yoga, piano music, and Ayurveda.
Rohit is passionate about observational Astronomy and his Dream is to share this experience full of ‘Wonder’ with everyone, especially Child in each of us! He also Teaches Rubik’s Cube is a very powerful yet fun-loving way of Storytelling, involving more of Heart, and Body rather than only Mind. He is exploring Piano as an instrument to work on his mind, heart, and body. He undertakes and facilities Forest Bathing sessions also.