Question & Answer Session with Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo

We are delighted to announce a Q&A session with Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo, for those of you who are not familiar with her here is a short bio:

Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo (born 1943) is a bhikṣuṇī in the Drukpa Kagyu Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. She is an author, teacher and founder of the Dongyu Gatsal Ling Nunnery in Himachal Pradesh, India which is home to over 100 Himalayan nuns. She is best known for having spent twelve years living in a remote cave in the Himalayas, three of those years in a strict meditation retreat. In addition to her role as Founding Director of DGL Nunnery, Jetsunma is a Founding Member of the Alliance of Non-Himalayan Nuns, former President of Sakyadhita International Association of Buddhist Women, and Founding Member of the Committee for Bhiksuni Ordination.

During the session, Jetsunma will be answering questions from the audience and questions submitted online.

Guidelines for the questions:

For the people in the audience
– You’ll be provided with a small piece of paper to write your question before the session starts.
– To make it fair and impartial the questions will be selected at random from a bowl by Jetsunma herself. We’ll try to get through as many questions as possible within the time constrains.

For those submitting questions online
– We will select a few questions which can be submitted via email to with the subject “Deer Park Q&A” before the event.
– The selected questions will be answered during the session.

In general
Please keep your question short and to the point.
– Jetsunma has spoken at length and in repeated occasions about her stay in the cave. If you have questions about that you can read the book Cave in the Snow by Vicki Mackenzie or watch the subsequent documentary with the same name. So please refrain from asking about Jetsunma’s time in the cave and her practice while she was in retreat.
– Jetsunma’s style of teaching is always very direct and down to earth, so it’s best to ask questions about very practical issues rather than obscure and esoteric questions or highly philosophical contemplations.

11:00 am – 12:00 noon Session
12:00 noon – 1:00 pm Lunch
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Session 



Apr 09 2025


Deer Park Institute, Bir
Deer Park Institute