Samatha Vipassana Retreat with Bhante Dhammagevesi & Hugh Poulton Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation and Sukhita Yoga
A 10-day Samatha Vipassana retreat with guides Bhante Dhammagevesi and Hugh Poulton to help you come into balance through a unique combination of meditation and movement.
Whether you are seeking new perspectives; wishing to digitally detox and look after your wellbeing; looking to understand more clearly the nature of mind and body and explore the path to awakening; or feel your current practice has plateaued, this retreat gives a way forward that develops calm and insight as a unified experience.
You will be learning Tranquil Wisdom (Samatha), Insight (Vipassana) Meditation, and Sukhita Yoga; practices that bring awareness to states of mind and the tension we habitually carry that creates resistance in our lives.
Morning practices of Sukhita Yoga will set your body up for a day of sitting and walking meditation and renew your connection with your vitality, give you an insight into the impact of mind states in the body and support the flow of your meditation through the retreat. Practice during the retreat is in silence, with regular opportunities to ask any questions you have, either in the Yoga sessions, the evening Dhamma talks, or your daily interviews with the teachers.
For registration, please follow this link https://bit.ly/DeerparkApril2025