Siddhartha Datün
The Siddhartha Datün is a month long shamatha-vipashyana meditation retreat, inspired by the datün format taught and presented by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. It will be held November 7th through December 4th and led by senior students of Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche and Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. It provides a unique opportunity to gain a deep familiarity with the sitting practice of meditation. This year, under the guidance of Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, the design of the datün has been expanded to include the Triratna Anusmriti Sadhana.
The datün environment is an intensive practice container, where the schedule is a part of the discipline. Together, the structure of the retreat and the meditation practice offer a space of simplicity and clarity rarely experienced in our ordinary lives. In addition to the sitting meditation, other forms are used to deepen our practice including observing functional and noble silence, walking meditation, regular meetings with meditation instructors, dharma talks, readings, a video series, karma yoga, hatha yoga, and sadhana practice.
The Triratna Anusmriti Sadhana, compiled by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, celebrates the life of Gautama Buddha. The sadhana enhances our meditation and will inspire the recollection of the Three Jewels.
We are delighted to offer this retreat and the meditation instruction as it was presented by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, which was passed down in unbroken lineage for 2,600 years from the time of the Buddha. It originated in India, crossed the Himalayas a millennium ago, and has been taught in Europe and North America since the 1960’s. In a 1973 letter to datün participants, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche wrote, “Meditation is the Way of the Buddha. A datün or month long training period is a systematic way of putting the teachings into practice. Alternating formal sitting with meditation in action (daily living experience as practice) creates a confrontation with hidden neuroses and a means to transmute them.”
Priority will be given to individuals committed to the full month of retreat. If you plan to attend a shorter period you may arrive on November 16th or 23rd. No new participants will be admitted after the 23rd of November.