The Changing Nature of Work and the Workplace – A Writing Workshop facilitated by Marlon de Souza
2020 and 2021 will long be remembered for the once in a hundred years pandemic and equally, with the associated lockdowns. Global disruptions in transportation, work and employment have caused substantial and often complete breakdowns in many industries and thereby, communities. Simultaneously, other industries and communities have experienced accelerated evolution and growth. In the process, the very nature of work and employment has changed.
This writing workshop will explore the changes we are undergoing as individuals and as communities arising from shifts in work patterns. In disruptive times such as these, we are presented with the opportunity to pause and consider what work and the workplace have meant, what they now mean and what they are becoming. Using the vehicles of stillness and community inquiry, we will explore the choices we consciously make and their impact on our lives.
Marlon de Souza worked in Corporate Communications and Investor Relations on Wall Street for a long time. After feeling unhappy and unfulfilled for many years, he walked away from it to pursue his own path in storytelling and empowering others to explore and live the truth of their own stories. His stories and those of people who have inspired him will soon be heard on the Stories I Know podcast available on Apple, Spotify, and Google (sign up for an alert on He has lived in New York City and Mumbai but feels home in the stillness of mountainous areas.