
Dharma Nada
This is a non-commercial album produced by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche. It contains 2 CDs and a beautiful 36 page booklet with sutras and mantras in Roman and Devanagri script. All the proceeds from this album go to support studies of Buddhism, classical Indian philosophies and culture, organized by Siddhartha’s Intent India Society and Deer Park Institute in India.
CD 1
Track 1. Chanting the Names of Manjusri – Chapter 10
Track 2. Homage to Five Tathagathas
Track 3. Bodhicaryavatara Chapter 2, Offering
Track 4. Interdependence – Nagarjuna’s Karika
Track 5. The Heart Sutra
Track 6. Recollection of the Three Jewels
CD 2
Track 7. In praise of Saraswati
Track 8. Homage to Twenty One Taras
Track 9. Praise to Mahadeva – Lord of the Three worlds and Protector of the Dharma
Track 10. Homage to the Supreme Reality – Nagarjuna
Track 11. Selected verses of Bodhicaryavatara
Track 12. Mantras: Buddha Shakyamuni – Avalokiteshvara – Mañjushri – Vajrapani – Tara – Ushnisha
We will post this album to you from India.
The collection of these chants creates an atmosphere of devotion – timeless, limitless – that can elevate the spirit if not liberate through hearing. After so many recordings of mantras in foreign languages like Tibetan and Chinese at last we hear them in their mother tongue. Even the pronunciation of the word Buddha is transformed into something so beautiful. Perhaps this is how we should all chant.

This is a non-commercial album produced by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche. Along with the Chants CD, this beautiful set also contains a Spoken CD and a detailed booklet of the mantras in Roman and Devanagri script, with their meanings and pronunciation. It is an ideal tool for learning Sanskrit chants.
The proceeds from this album will go to support studies of Buddhism, classical Indian philosophy and culture, organized by Siddharthaís Intent India Society and Deer Park Institute in India.
List of Mantras / Verses (Chants & Spoken)
Track 1. Triratnavandana− In Praise of the Three Jewels Listen to this chant / Listen to the spoken track
Track 2. Munindrahrdayamantrah − The Heart Mantra of the Great Sage (Buddha Sakyamuni)
Track 3. Avalokitesvara Hrdayamantrah− The Heart Mantra of Avalokitesvara
Track 4. Manjusri Hrdayamantrah – The Heart Mantra of Manjusri
Track 5. Tara Dharani– The Dharani of Tara
Track 6. Manjusri – arapacanahrdayamantrah− The Arapacana Heart Mantra of Manjusri
Track 7. Acalahrdayamantrah− The Heart Mantra of Immovable Buddha
Track 8. Prajnaparamitahrdayamantrah − The Heart Mantra of Perfection of Wisdom
Track 9. Vandanamantrah − Mantra in Praise (Prostration Mantra)
Track 10. Maricidharani− The Dharani of Marici
Track 11. Pratityasamutpadahrdayamantrah − The Heart Mantra of Interdependent Origination
Track 12. Pujameghadharani − The Dharani of Clouds of Offerings
Track 13. Sodhanadharmatavisuddhimantrah − Inherent Purity of Phenomena Mantra
Track 14. Samvardhanagaganaganjamantrah − Developing the Space Treasure Mantra
Track 15. Aksobhyadharani − The Dharani of the Buddha Aksobhya
Track 16. Ekadasananadharaai − The Dharan of the Eleven Faced Deity (Avalokitesvara)
Track 17. Durgatiparisodhanamulavidya-mantrah − The Root Knowledge Mantra of Purification of Rebirths in Lower Realms
Track 18. Daksinaparisodhanadharani− The Dharani of Purification of Offerings
Track 19. Parinamanaslokah − Verses of Dedication
Track 20. Prajnaparamitahrdayasutram − Heart Sutra: The Perfection of Wisdom (Short Version)
Track 21. Usnisavijayadharani− The Dharani of the Usnisavijaya
Track 22. Vajrasattvasataksaram − The Hundred Syllable Mantra of Vajrasattva
Track 23. Sarvadurgatiparisodhanamantrah− The Mantra of Purification of all Rebirths in Lower Realms
Track 24. Prajnaparamitahrdayasutram − Heart Sutra: The Perfection of Wisdom (Long Version)
Track 25. Parinamana: Bodhicharyavatara − Dedication Verses from ‘The Way of the Bodhisattva’
Track 26. Saranagamana − Taking Refuge
We will post this album to you from India.
In the Tibetan tradition, the Dharma Kings of the past requested that the titles of all dharma texts appear in Sanskrit as well as Tibetan, in the hope that by constantly seeing Sanskrit—which they considered to be the most profound of all languages—one day they might actually learn it.
This beautiful double CD is the result of the tireless work, expertise and dedication of Raji Ramanan, and I hope, at the very least, that it will remind Buddhist students and practitioners of the richness of the Buddhist Path, past and present.

Tails of Deer Park
This story is available as a gift on donation of Rs1000+ to support the “Joy of Learning” program.
Most important things in your life, is to play, to have fun …
and then very important is to be kind, that is loving, sharing, caring, respecting.
Dont grow up, adults will tell you to grow up fast…Dont grow up, take loooong time to grow up!